You’ve been angry before.
That’s not a question, I know you have.
Think of something that makes you angry.
Just absolutely livid, raging, burning.
Take as long as you need.
There’s no rush;
I’ll wait.
Have you got it?
Hold on to it.
Let it fester inside you.
Let the hatred consume every other thought and completely take over your brain.
How does it feel?
Not very nice, I imagine.
Do you feel like you want to move?
Does sitting still with all this anger bottled up cause you discomfort?
Then go ahead.
Move as much as you’d like.
Do whatever it takes to get this anger out of your brain, out of your body.
Punch your pillow, stomp on the ground really hard, dance like no one’s watching
(I’m not watching, so don’t worry).
And if you don’t feel like moving,
then sit still.
Expel the anger through your own means.
Are you done?
Is it all out?
Every single bit of it?
Are you sure?
Make sure every last tiny speck of anger is out.
How do you feel?
Are you relieved, or does the aftermath of so much intensity leave you tired?
Maybe you’re still in the same place as you were when we started
(in which case I’d question if you’re just a very pleasant person or if you didn’t put much effort into this exercise).
Let’s focus on that feeling now.
Whatever it is you’re feeling, ask yourself why.
Why do you feel the way you do now?
How is your body different now than when you were angry?
Does your body feel lighter or heavier?
Have you changed at all?
Find the contrast in that,
sit down...
and write about it.
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