RUIST_P's Site Testing Experiment

RUIST_P (Renmare's User Interface Site Testing Program) is looking for [SMART], [CHAR1SMAT1C], and [INSERT THIRD ADJECTIVE]
individulas just like [Y0URSELF] to help conduct some experiments regarding [THE HUMAN BRA1N].
If you're [1NTERESTED] interested, please click the link above to commence testing. [PLEASE CL1CK 1T. D0 1T.]

Oneshot Inspired by: 助けて! リタリン!

TW:Drug Abuse, Vomitting, Bright Colours, Disturbing Imagery, Visible Death, Just Generally Dark Themes.

Please Do NOT Ignore These Warnings

Magical Girl Suki: Analog Horror Thread

TW:This is Analog Horror and therefore will contain Horror elements, Disturbing Content, and some Violence.
Please proceed with caution.

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